Beautiful U. S. Stamp
My Previous Collecting Interests – Postage Stamps
These days, I don’t collect stamps, as I used to do. However, I did benefit from studying and collecting certain issues. That interest moved me into studying and collecting First World War postal history of the United States. That study caused me to become a self-publisher of books that look at the First World War era in the United States, primarily from a postal history standpoint.
Rather than remove my old collecting interests from the web pages, however, I am leaving these links on, so that you can enjoy the amazing variety available to you when you collect and study postage stamps.
Experienced collectors will note that many of these interests are “back of book”; that is, stamps that were issued for special uses, such as Air Mail. I did collect stamps that more likely appeared at the “front of the book”, such as U. S. Regular Issues, including the beautiful 5 dollar stamp shown at the top of this page.
Links to Stamp Pages
- U.S. Parcel Post
- Older U. S. Stamps
- U. S. Special Delivery
- World Airmail Stamps, as well as U.S. Airmail Stamps. It seems that the artists of the early airmail era really worked to make very creative, magnificent, images to be symbolic of this ’new era’. Of course,
- Mr. ZIP was on stamps (for a while)
- Stamps with private perforations
- Parcel Post Stamps, (more links and pages)
- Brilliantly-colored 19th century stamp
- Christmas seal on card with regular stamp
- Washington-head stamps (1910’s)
- Illegal stamp usages – More Illegal stamp usages
- Columbus commemerative stamp on early Orange Country, California cover
- (I can dream, can’t I?)
More Links
Updated Wed 27 Mar 2024 04:22:52 AM CDT