Some Links
The links on this page are websites we’ve found to be useful. Nearly all of the commercial links here are companies we have done business with, and appear to be legit.
More and more search engines are tracking all of our searches, so we’ve tried to only include search operations that do not track our activities.
Finding People and Things
- Search the Web Without Tracking, or Invasive Ads
- Find a Mailbox (U. S. Postal Service Boxes)
- UPS Tracking
- Beaucoup! (multiple search engines)
- FAQs
- A Different Kind of Search
- Presearch, Another Web Search
- Metager, Yet Another Web Search
- Mojeek, Yet, Yet Another Web Search
- Find People and Their Histories
Opinions (we have ’em)
- Headlines of Interest
- Don Surber, Opinions
- How Statistics Can Be Used to Mislead
- Sadly, it appears that “NumberWatch”, John Brignell’s web page,last modified in 2016 is no longer updated
- ChicagoBoyz (excellent opinions)
- ‘The ZMan’ makes you think
- ‘The Babylon Bee’ makes you laugh, then think
- Hillsdale College for a continuing education in freedom
- Money, Economics, and (gasp) Opinions
- Institute for Justice, righting wrongs
- F.I.R.E, working for free speech
- Many Opinions
- Bob’s Rants (and they ARE rants)
- Deadly Chemicals in Our Environment (watch out!)
- Alternative to Twitter (and the rest)
Money Matters
- Make a Print-Friendly Version of a Web Page
- What Time Is It??
- All Kinds of Calendars
- Got Stain? Here’s Help
- Get A Human to Help (hopefully not a machine
Even More General Stuff
Food and Drink
- Our Food and Drink Photos
- Crystal hot sauce
- “French” (really Belgian) Fries
- Cheese (for sale, anyway)
- Food and Wine from Professor Bainbridge
- British Ale
- Tea (for sale, but the BEST)
- Bourbon
- The Chowhound
- Jane and Michael Stern
- Not Quite Nigella (food, drink, travel)
- 500 Things to Eat (before its too late)
- Great Cookbook
Now that we’re retired, some hobbies have fallen by the wayside.
- Our Former Hobby: Pleasure Boating
- Our Current Hobbies: Travel and Photography
- We’ve Done a Lot of Cruising
- Stamps and Postal History
- Our House is Full of Teddy Bears
Web Information and Opinions
Computer Hardware
- System76 Computers Come Pre-Loaded with Linux
- Small Form-Factor Desktop Computers (I’m using an Intel NUC 11, but there are newer models now available)
Computer Software
- Bobs Recent Free Software
- Bobs Old Free Software (may or may not work)
- Ubuntu Linux, our current operating system
- Alternative To…:Try Software that does the same for less
- Linux News Items
- Linux and Android News Items
More Links
Technical Information
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