Machine Cancel Identifier - Service Marking with Circular Postmark

Several manufacturers' machines impressed service markings. These type of markings include: 'Received', 'Received (with station/branch)', 'Train Late', and so on. These markings are usually impressed on the back of a cover. It is best to use the dial design to help identify these machines, since the killer bars are not present. Sometimes, a receiving mark is the postmark dial only. This method is a greater challenge to the collector, since many dials look alike.

To help identify which manufacturer made this machine, please answer the following question:

Question: Is the year date in the dial, straight, or in a curve at the bottom?

[example cancel]

[year mark]

machine cancel

Yes, Year date is straight across dial (continuous or split)

No, Year date is curved at bottom of dial (or no dial at all)