Circular Dial Service marking with year in a curve at the bottom of the dial (if a dial is present)

U.S. Machine Cancel Identifier -- Service Markings with Circular Dial and Year in a Curved Line at the Bottom of the Dial (if any)

This page has service markings from primarily the Barry machines. These machines impressed several postmark types, including rectilinear, oval, and circle. The service markings impressed included the usual varieties.

Note that 'straight-line' and rectilinear postmarks were created by a number of manufacturers, and these same companies had service markings, sometimes with markings, and sometimes with the rectilinear postmark alone. For instance, it is known that some Barry rectilinear postmarks have been used alone as 'received' markings (no killer bars, or other marking).

Older (pre-1900) versions of the American machine had a dial with the year date curved in the bottom of the dial. An item below is shown with a pre-1900 received cancel.

Any part of the Perfection machine cancel, for instance, could be used as a 'receiving' mark, as well as an originating mark. This was due to both the low volume of mail at the small post offices that purchased this device, as well as the simplicity of the device.

[barry service marking received]

'Received' service marking impressed by Barry machine (circular postmark)

[barry train late service marking]

'Train Late' service marking impressed by Barry machine (rectilinear postmark)

[barry train late service marking with oval postmark]

'Train Late' service marking impressed by Barry machine (oval postmark)

[american received service marking pre-1900]

'Received' service marking impressed by American machine (pre-1900)

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