Typical YMCA Envelope Given to Troops
This cover is from Camp Custer, Michigan, during the training period of the First World War.
It is a typical YMCA envelope, as given out to the troops to write home. Millions of these envelopes were provided by the ‘Y’ and mailed.
The interesting aspect to this cover is the pair of cancellations. Apparently, the envelope was mis-fed into the Universal cancelling machine used at Camp Custer, and the machine missed cancelling the stamp. Someone noticed, and hand-cancelled the cover later with the duplex handstamp of Camp Custer. Handstamp examples are not common from the training camp branches during the War, so this ’error’ was a fortunate event for this collector.
Note that not every letter from camp used YMCA stationery, which is part of the interesting aspects of collecting material from this era.
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