Patriotic Postcard with Multi-Star Mother
This picture postcard was intended to send a patriotic message.
The art style reminds me of Norman Rockwell, but the signature on the card appears to be Charles A. Maclelitan. The image on the postcard is supposed to be a reprint from the cover of Successful Farming magazine, April 1918 issue. The card also indicates that this magazine was published in Des Moines, Iowa.
The banner with the single star was a sign that the house had a son in the military. In this case, there are two stars. The illustration shows framed pictures of a soldier and a sailor. The title refers to the actions of the ’three’ patriots: mother, and two sons.
The star banner appeared in many forms as a patriotic image during the war. For instance, it was printed as a seal, so that it could be affixed to letters from parents of military men.
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