Port Chalmers, NZ, 2016 Cruise

Port Chalmers

This photo album contains images of the natural scenes we saw during our visit to Otago Bay and Peninsula, New Zealand.

The port is the gateway to Dunedin, which is an interesting city itself. We had been there before, so opted for a nature cruise from the port to the large protected zone near the Otago Bay entrance.

The headlands there offered such rare sights as a Northern Royal Albatross nesting area, an uncommon penguin, sea birds, their nests, and dramatic sea caves.

NOTE that these photographs are Copyright© Robert and Sandra Swanson, 2016-2022

I greatly appreciate people viewing the photos, but not stealing them. If someone is interested from a commercial point of view, please contact me.


Sunrise as Our Cruise Ship Entered Otago Bay -- Port Chalmers, NZ

[Sunrise as Our Cruise Ship Entered Otago Bay]

[New Zealand Fur Seal (Immature)

New Zealand Fur Seal (Immature) -- Otago Bay, NZ

Just the Tail of a Seal -- Otago Bay, NZ

[Just the Tail of a Seal]

[New Zealand Fur Seal (Mature)

New Zealand Fur Seal (Mature) -- Otago Bay, NZ

Northern Royal Albatross -- Just Outside Otago Bay, NZ

[Northern Royal Albatross]

[Birds and Sea Cave (probably Northern Royal Albatross)

Birds and Sea Cave (probably Northern Royal Albatross) -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

Cockatoos -- Taiaroa Head, NZ



Headlands -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

Headlands (BW) -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

[Headlands (BW)]

[Lighthouse and Northern Royal Albatross

Lighthouse and Northern Royal Albatross -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

Bird Nesting Colony -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

[Bird Nesting Colony]

[Bird Nesting Colony

Bird Nesting Colony -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

Northern Royal Albatross Nests -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

[Northern Royal Albatross Nests]

[Yellow-Eyed Penguin (very rare)

Yellow-Eyed Penguin (very rare) -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

Range Lights Help Ships Enter on the Correct Channel; top image:, Ship Not Quite Aligned; bottom image: Correctly Aligned -- Otago Bay, NZ

[Range Lights Help Ships Enter on the Correct Channel; top image:, Ship Not Quite Aligned; bottom image: Correctly Aligned]

[New Zealand Sea Lion and Gull Near Otago BayEntrance

New Zealand Sea Lion and Gull Near Otago BayEntrance -- Otago Bay, NZ

House Near Otago Bay Entrance -- Otago Bay, NZ

[House Near Otago Bay Entrance]

[New Zealand Sea Lions

New Zealand Sea Lions -- Otago Bay, NZ

New Zealand Sea Lions -- Otago Bay, NZ

[New Zealand Sea Lions]

[New Zealand Fur Seals on the Rocks Near the Surf

New Zealand Fur Seals on the Rocks Near the Surf -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

New Zealand Fur Seals (Interacting) -- Taiaroa Head, NZ

[New Zealand Fur Seals (Interacting)]

[Port View -- Exhaust Pipes on the Maasdam (also in port that day)

Port View -- Exhaust Pipes on the Maasdam (also in port that day) -- Port Chalmers, NZ

Container Ship in Port -- Port Chalmers, NZ

[Container Ship in Port]

[Container Crane in Port

Container Crane in Port -- Port Chalmers, NZ

Copyright © Robert and Sandra Swanson, 2016-2022

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Updated Tuesday 4th of March 2025 09:41:09 AM