Your machine cancel was made by a machine sold by the Columbia Postal Supply Company of Silver Creek, New York. The machines made by this company generated a wide variety of markings. In this case, the postmark is made up of a series of parallel lines of text (rectilinear), while the cancel (killer) is a set of wavy lines. The killer lines may be arranged in pairs, or evenly spaced.
The rectilinear postmarks of the Columbia machine did NOT have horizontal line above and/or below the lines of text. This is in contrast to the Barry machine.
The Columbia rectilinear with horizontal wavy lines cancel machine impression
The Columbia rectilinear with horizontal lines cancel machine impression
The Columbia rectilinear with horizontal lines cancel machine impression. (The horizontal lines are arranged in pairs, rather than being uniformly spaced).
There is a bit more information available about these machines on my Machine Web page.
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Updated Sun Feb 24 10:13:17 MST 2019