Portrait (1927) of Milton Gardner
From time to time, I receive more than just requests about the Spruce Soldiers. Some correspondents, many of whom are relatives, send photographs, and images of other documents associated with a particular Spruce Soldier.
This page contains links and images for Milton Gardner, who was a soldier in the 28th Spruce Squadron. Note that this unit was assigned to Vancouver Barracks as the Supply organization. It appears that he did not serve in the logging operations.

Gravestone of Milton Gardner
His obituary states that he was an “inspector” at the spruce sawmills. (Note that the primary mill was called the “cut up plant” and was located at Vancouver Barracks.)
A roster created in late 1918 shows him listed as Milton Gardener. This appears to be a misspelling (note the extra “e”), since all other official documents indicate the spelling of “Gardner”. The roster entry, shown below, indicates that he was a Corporal with the job of “inspector”.

Roster Entry for Milton Gardener (misspelled)
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Updated Sun 07 Jan 2024 01:54:55 PM CST