Purchasing Bob Swanson's Bluejacket Mail First World War Book

cover bluejacket mail by bob swanson

Purchasing Options for: Bluejacket Mail: A Postal History of the Great Lakes Naval Training Station

Paper Copy

Buy Bluejacket Mail Paperback Copy on Lulu

Electronic Formats

Since this book was directly created as an electronic book, there are a number of formats available for your purchase. The "ebook" market has not settled down yet, so you have several choices. Note that if you purchase the "printable PDF" electronic version, you may print a single paper copy of this 42-page book for your personal use. (Do not try to take that PDF file to a "local instant-print" as they will not print a copyrighted book, unless you are the author.)

PDF (Portable Document Format) Book

A link accessing this electronic file will be sent to you by email, that you can use for direct download of the book. NOTE that there are two types of PDF files available: (1) Printable, and (2) Fully Interactive. BEFORE purchasing the book in this format, please fully read: this page describing how to read PDF files on a variety of computers, phones, and tablets.

Printable PDF (no links, about 4 megabytes in size)

Interactive PDF (not for printing, as there are no page numbers. About 25 megabytes in size.)

Kindle (tm) Format Ordered from Amazon

You can buy this book directly from Amazon, using the following link. The purchase and downloading process is easy, but you will pay more than the direct download I am also offering.

Buy Bluejacket Mail Kindle Edition on Amazon

Kindle Format (MOBI) Direct Download

A link will be sent to you by email, which you can use for direct download of the book. This option is cheaper than using Amazon, but requires some work on your part to install. The file you receive can be read directly on the Kindle (tm) product, or can be read on many devices using the Kindle program or application. The downloaded file is about 48 megabytes in size. BEFORE purchasing the book in this format, please fully read: this page describing how to handle MOBI files on a variety of computers, phones, and tablets.

EPUB E-Book Direct Download

A link to this electronic file will be sent to you by email, which allows you to directly download the book. The EPUB format is readable on a wide variety of devices, such as the Nook -- in fact most devices EXCEPT the Kindle. The downloaded file is about 24 megabytes in size. BEFORE purchasing the book in this format, please fully read: this page describing how to handle EPUB files on a variety of computers, phones, and tablets.

Website-in-a-Box Stand-Alone Book File

This electronic version of the book does not require any special reader device or software. It works with any web browser on any device. The downloaded file is about 25 megabytes in size. To unpack and read the file, please fully read: this page describing how to handle ZIP files containing my book on a variety of computers, phones, and tablets.

All Electronic Formats in One File

This ZIP bundle contains all the electronic formats described above, for one price. This file is about 127 megabytes in size. You will need to unpack the ZIP archive to access the individual files. See the individual file descriptions above, as well as: this page describing how to handle ZIP files containing my book on a variety of computers, phones, and tablets.

About Bluejacket Mail: A Postal History of the Great Lakes Naval Training Station

This book, Bluejacket Mail (2014), is a postal history of the Great Lakes Naval Training Station during the First World War. This monograph concentrates on only this facility. It came about because my full Facilities book could not contain all of the interesting information about every military camp in the United States from that era. This 42-page monograph helps provide more depth of information, and showcases the letters written in 1918 by Carroll Miller, a sailor training at Great Lakes. His letters show the human side of the great influenza pandemic of 1918, along with his insights of camp and personal life.

The items higher up in this web page contain links that allow you to purchase a copy of this book.

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This book purchasing system was devised by Amit Agarwal whose "Digital Inspiration" website offers many great ideas for full use of the Internet.


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Updated 7 November 2022