Hawaiian Show on Cruise Ship
This album is made up of photos taken at night, or in low light (“available light” for photographers…)
When I first started taking pictures I was frustrated by the poor performance of film and cameras in low light. I wanted see everything.
I tried flash, but it only works in very specific situations. When I tried to take a long exposure to match the lighting situation, either the film was too grainy, or there was too much movement to get a sharp photo.
Like the monochromatic photo situation, we now have wonderful digital cameras that can “see into the dark”. Since purchasing a camera that would make good high-ISO pictures (the Nikon D700), I’ve been experimenting with low-light photography.
With my newer camera (Panasonic GX-85) the results are even nicer.
There are two different page sets available for viewing these photos. Give each a try:
See also:
NOTE that these photographs are Copyright 1980-2024 Robert and Sandra Swanson. Enjoy the images, but please don’t steal them!
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