Pride of America
The Pride was a new ship, so it was interesting
to walk around and take photos of the exterior,
including some odd artwork.
Stern and Waikiki Bar --- Pride of America
A Beautiful Sight --- American flagged cruise ship (first one in many decades)
Up Forward --- Pride of America
'Rubber Ducky' Shower, Pool Area --- Pride of America
Large Stack --- Pride of America
Logo --- Pride of America
Pool Area --- Pride of America
Pool Area --- Pride of America
Ducky-Shower in Use --- Pride of America
The 'Pride' at Coxen Hole --- Pride of America
'Pride' at Roatan --- Pride of America
Major Exhaust Pipes --- Pride of America
Manufacturer's Mark --- Pride of America
Stern Line Handlers --- Pride of America
Rear-Facing Balconies --- Pride of America
Stars and Stripes Flying from the Stern --- First U. S. flagged cruise ship in many decades
Tender --- Pride of America
Forward Superstructure --- Pride of America
Bow Area --- Pride of America
Looking Astern from High Up Forward --- Pride of America
Gangway Platform (in shade) --- Pride of America
Gangway Platform (in sun) --- A bit later, many cruisers are trying to get back aboard
Our Cabin --- Pride of America
Stern --- Pride of America
Another Stern View --- Pride of America
'Pride' in Puntarenas --- Pride of America
'Pride' Viewed from the Puntarenas Beach --- Pride of America
'Pride' Viewed from the Puntarenas Beach ---
See also:
Swanson Travel Page
Swanson Main Page
NOTE that these photographs are Copyright 1980-2024 Robert and Sandra Swanson. Enjoy the images, but please don’t steal them!
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