Pride of America
The Pride of America was a brand new ship, when we joined her in Miami the summer of 2005. She took us from there, through the Panama Canal (a rare July transit), around Mexico, to Los Angeles. We got off, but the ship sailed onward to Hawai’i for a regular schedule of island visits.
She continues in 2024 to take that route on a weekly basis.
We spent some time onboard, partying with CruiseCritic People we had met online before the cruise. If you are serious about cruising, be sure to join the CruiseCritic Message Board.
Panama Canal
Entering Panama Canal, Gatun Locks
Mexico and Pacific Coast
Our Final Destination, Los Angeles
The Ship Itself
Following item has a Warning: adult content!
Bathroom Cartoons, REALLY! Adults only, please!
See also:
NOTE that these photographs are Copyright 1980-2024 Robert and Sandra Swanson. Enjoy the images, but please don’t steal them!
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